Upgrading Edgy SW RAID1 to Feisty //Elokuu 2007 mummo to be tested (when smart people sleep) prerequisities: six pack of beer HD Setup: md0: sda1+sdb1 (ext3, /) swap: sda2+sdb2 (striped as kernel default) md1: sda3+sdb3 (LVM+XFS, lv_home lv_thisnthat) 1. Check Update Manager GUI repos and replace and add anything needed to suit you sir. cp -a /etc /root/etcbu cp -a /boot /root/bootbu backup sda1 or sdb1 with g4l +beer 2. shutdown and detach one of the hd mirrors and boot 3. update everything with Update Manager GUI +beer 4. reboot 5. upgrade to feisty with Update Manager GUI! +beer 6. mdadm --examine --scan and compare to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf 7. check /boot/initramfs*.img and maybe? update-initramfs -u or If Cannot update: update-initramfs -k `uname -r` -t -u 8. grub >root (hd0,0) >setup (hd0) >quit 9. reboot and test as long as you like. +beer 10. If OK so far, continue and switch disks to erase the old installation on previously detached mirror. If NOT OK erase the upgraded version on currently connected disk after(!) testing the old version still works. boot with livecd (eg. knoppix): erase raid supeblocks with mdadm --zero-superblock sda1, (sda2), sda3... erase mbr (grub+partitions): dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 check with: fdisk 11. boot with both disks connected. if problems try changing boot order in bios. 12. fdisk u, p, n... copy+paste from mirror disk configuration, change partition types with cfdisk fd+82 13. swapon sda2 or sdb2 (depends on which one was missing) 14. add mirrors back to md0 + md1: mdadm -a /dev/md0 /dev/sd?1 mdadm -a /dev/md1 /dev/sd?3 wait for sync: watch -n 5 cat /proc/mdstat +beer 15. mdadm --examine --scan and compare to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, mdadm --details md0 mdadm --details md1 mdadm --examine sda? mdadm --examine sdb? 16. check /boot/initramfs*.img and update-initramfs -u or If Cannot update: update-initramfs -k `uname -r` -t -u 17. grub >root (hd0,0) >setup (hd0) >root (hd1,0) >setup (hd1) >quit 18. reboot and smile like a loonatic +beer /mosh